Celebrating Mother's Day

Hi, there how are you?
I feel like this year is going so fast, we are almost half way into the year and I can not believe it. It is Mother's day already! Speaking of Mother's Day, how do you celebrate your mom?
Last year I did a gift guide for Mother's Day (its here if you want to take a look at it). Although I was tempted to do another one this year, time beat me and I feel like it is a little to late to do one now. But I do want to talk about how I celebrate Mother's Day with my mom and this year with my grandma as well.
Mother's Day is a day to pamper our mothers, make them feel special and loved. Although we should do this more than once a year, today specially! I say today because I always celebrate Mother's Day on May 10 - it is Mexican Mother's day. But the date is not important, whats important is telling her you love her and showing her how much you appreciate having her in your life.
So how do you do that? How do you show her you appreciate her?
A lot of the time we go crazy trying to figure how to do this. We often, go to the store and try to get her favorite thing wether it is a perfume, a purse, shoes or anything else or we just go crazy and choose something, cross our fingers and hope she will like it. We put it in a nice bag and voila! Happy Mother's day I'm out! This year I thought, is this really the way to show her you appreciate her and love her?
Okay okay maybe I exaggerate I never just wrap a gift and I am done I always try to put thought into it. At the very minimum I have lunch or dinner with her but I don't think I should do the minimum to show her I appreciate having her in my life and all of teethings she has done for me. So this year I plan spending the day with her and doing things I know she enjoys.
First stop, Breakfast at her favorite place... Denny's I give her other options but I know this is where she will end up choosing all the time. Next stop, doing her nails. My mom would like to go do her nails more often but she doesn't because she hates going by herself so today is the day to get her nails done.
After her nails if we have time we will go shopping for a bit but we do have to meet for lunch with the rest of my family so we will see. We are a close family so we will be spending the rest of the day together just going to different places and eating all day long.
If we weren't spending the rest of the day together as a family, I would have like to take her to a spa to get a facial and a massage and finally end the day with a nice dinner.
This is how I would show her I appreciate all of the things she does for me. I hope you have an amazing Mother's Day!