Festival Boots

I know that it is not exactly boot season but it is Festival Season; and well, I gotta take any opportunity I get to talk about, dream about and buy shoes. Am I right? Tell me I am not the only one. #SHOELOVER lol.
I am not going to Coachella, but if I was the one shoe I would definitely take is a pair of boots. There is a lot of dust, dirt, wind, walking and dancing. In my opinion, there is no better shoe than a pair of booties for festival season. If you are not going, don't go away because these are the boots to have this year, not only for festival season.
This season I would take a pair of inspired cowgirl boots, to be specific. They are going to be very big this year. I have to admit, that before this season I wouldn't have bought them on my own. I bought these before even seeing them during the recent fashion weeks in New York, Paris and Milan. I also have to admit that they were not chosen by me, my boyfriend really liked them. Seriously, sometimes its like he can forecast months before on certain styles and I he is not involved in fashion at all. He is not even present in social media, at all! How he does this is a mystery to me but lets get back to the boots.
Here are some that I loved. Tell me what you think of this trend for this year and which one is your favorite from the ones below.