Do you Believe in Karma?

Today I am shifting a bit away from my usual topic and I want to ask you...Do you believe in Karma?
Do you believe in karma? Are you compensated for good actions and in a way punished for bad ones? Do you ever think about karma when you are about to something you know is not right?
I started thinking about Karma because last week my phone was stolen. It wasn't lost, it was stolen! I will be honest, after looking for the guy who took my phone I wished something bad upon him. I stopped myself after a while because that wasn't going to bring me any good. It was not going to bring my phone back either, if anything it would bring bitterness. So I stopped and accepted the fact that I wasn't going to get my phone back.
This incident brought me here, to think about karma. We often do things with out thinking about consequences and although some of our actions may have immediate consequences some, not really. I grew up in a household that often reminded my siblings and I that our bad actions are seen by God and eventually He makes sure we pay for our bad actions in one way or another. I guess what we learned to believe was that karma does exist.
Will that guy have bad karma? I really don't know, what I do know is that I actually felt bad for him. I really did! Not really because I believe in karma but because he was a grown man. I want to say around my dad's age. To me, its sad and embarrassing to see a grown man have these kind of actions and that kind of mentality. It speaks so much and so clearly of him, at least in my opinion it does. I felt bad for him because I know that when I reach his age I want to have integrity, good judgement and a kind heart as well as financial stability.
It also brought me to think about how we are raising our families. This incident just got me thinking, is this how he is raising his kids? is this the kind of example that he is giving his nieces and nephews? I mean come on, if we want to live in a better world we need to start with ourselves!
There are a lot of tempting things in this world that can create bad habits. Wether you believe in karma or not, bad habits take you no where. Actually, more often than not when you have bad habits you close the doors to opportunities. So lets have positive actions to have positive outcomes!